Zika Virus – Symptoms and Prevention

What is Zika virus?
Zika Virus disease is caused by the Zika virus and was first discovered in 1947. It is named after the Zika Forest in Uganda. The virus can be transmitted by Aedes mosquito, mainly by Aedes aegypti which, in Australia, can be found in Tropical North Queensland. It is not usually found in other parts of Australia. The aedes mosquito is also known to transmit viruses like Dengue and Ross River Fever and is sometimes called the “Dengue” or “Yellow Fever” mosquito.
How can I catch Zika Virus?
The Zika Virus, like Dengue and Ross River Fever viruses, is spread if you are bitten by a mosquito carrying the virus. Recent cases have only been linked to travellers from countries where Zika is known.
The Australian government advises travellers to use precautions against mosquito bites when travelling: https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/before-you-go/health/diseases#insect-borne
The World Health Organisation have also issued fact sheets on Zika virus: http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/zika/en/
What are the symptoms?
The symptoms are usually mild and may present as fever, rash, joint pain, headache and conjunctivitis. These symptoms are unfortunately general to many viruses. Symptoms generally last for 2-7 days.
What should I do if I think I have been bitten by a mosquito and think I have the virus?
See your GP or local practitioner. If you are returning from a country that has known Zika virus use mosquito protection measures and see your GP immediately. See: https://www.smartraveller.gov.au/before-you-go/health/diseases#insect-borne
How can I prevent being bitten?
The aedes mosquito is a container breeder, so it will breed in small areas/pools of water such as plant pots or water bowls. Regularly eliminating or screening any places where water can accumulate within 10 metres of your home will greatly help to reduce the problem at home. Wearing suitable clothing like long sleeves and long pants can also help reduce bites. In addition, use a good insect repellent to avoid being bitten, as the aedes mosquito likes to bite during the day.
Aerogard can help protect you inside and outside your home from mosquitoes and other insects including the Aedes mosquito. The World Health Organisation recommend insect repellent products containing either Deet or Picaridin as the most reliable for mosquito bite prevention.
Aerogard has been trusted by Australian families for decades and offers a range of highly effective products using Deet or Picaridin as active ingredients. Our products are highly effective against mosquitoes. Our Tropical Strength range and 40% Deet Aerogard have high protection against the aedes aegypti mosquito and are rigorously tested in Australia for Australian needs. The Tropical Strength range offers products in different forms, including the Aerosol Tropical Strength Spray, and the Aerosol Tropical Strength Roll-on. Aerogard 40% Deet is our highest strength repellent against intense mosquito activity, and we have it in two sizes - Aerogard 40% Deet 300g and Aeogard 40% Deet 150g.
Aerogard does not make any warranty that by using these products you will not contract the diseases referred to in this site. Use Aerogard as part of a complete preventative plan and please still take caution. Seek a medical professional for further advice in regard to the above, especially if visiting prone areas.